I was taken aback by something a childhood friend posted on Facebook.
"We are taught today that tolerance is the prime virtue, but I say it is the chief vice."
I commented on the above post with a question: "What is wrong with tolerance?" Here are three responses I received:
"Whats wrong with tolerance is this. To tolerate is to allow someone to further obliterate themselves. If a person was on fire wouldn't you go put them out rather then let them burn in the flames of selfish indulgent pride. Or would you allow a wolf amongst your sheep even though it wasn't dangerous at the time. You know the danger its capable of. Tolerance is the blanket that we pull over ourselves to get just a couple more minutes sleep. Also to tolerate allows you to slide further into carnal and worldly tendancies. Its those small steps that get you over the edge so to speak. So I completely agree with (name removed) on this, tolerance is not a virtue but a vice."
"...What's wrong with tolerance is that it's the counterfeit of Love. I am free to love everyone, regardless of their beliefs/values/actions. But I never have to suffer or endure something that is degenerative or destructive simply because we are obsessed in this country with being "sensitive". (name removed) is right on the money, let's stop elevating "tolerance" to a virtue and call it what it really is--an acceptance of the unacceptable."
"The problem with tolerance is that in this country it has ceased to mean "allowing others to believe and behave as they wish within the bounds of morality and legality" and now means something like "allowing others to indulge any and every urge, desire, lust or passion without comment or intervention, or else be labeled a bigot" ...this new brand of Tolerance is cowardice at best and at worst it is willing cooperation with evil. It is in the name of torerance that we kill our unborn, it is in the name of tolerance that we turn a blind eye to sex trafficking, it's tolerance that bids us to endorse the depravities that are destroying our country and it is tolerance which, in an almost comedic twist, is completely INtolerant of all Christian values wherever they may be found. That's what's wrong with tolerance, it's counterfeit love and it has become the greatest force for bigotry and intolerance at work today."
Each of the responses above are alluding to the preservation of Christian values and Biblical teachings. I grew up listening to like-minded individuals expound upon the idea that in order to truly honor God, we must rebuke all those that are not living or acting in accordance to His laws and teaching. I have actually heard the phrase "Love the sinner, hate the sin" spoken during sermons. I have been to houses in which that same phrase was painted on a tile or woven into fabric and proudly displayed on walls. The word "hate" appeared on the walls of seemingly loving, God-fearing and God-honoring Christians. In fact, for a large portion of my formative youth, I blindly followed this mantra.
But then I actually read what the Bible has to say about tolerance. Please allow me to share a few verses of Scripture with you. (Bless those who have stuck it out this long and are continuing to indulge me in this blog post.)
"'As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand.'" Romans 14:1-4
"'Judge not, that you be not judged.'" Matthew 7:1
"'A new commandment I give unto you,
That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.'" John 13:34
"'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'" Matthew 25:40
All of these verses speak about tolerance. What I believe my friend and the others who supported the sentiment were attempting to say was that they do not wish to compromise on what they believe that God says is right and wrong, what is just and unjust and what is morally acceptable and morally unacceptable. Compromising your beliefs to make room for another person's beliefs is not the same as tolerating them.
I can only speak for myself, but I hope that there are others who share my belief that I do not wish anyone to compromise their beliefs to make me feel better about mine. That is the essence of compromise. It involves both sides making concessions to their case or beliefs in order to reach a common ground. I am certain of what I believe and have the courage of my convictions in those beliefs. All that I ask is that you allow me to have them. I will not make concessions to meet you halfway. Tolerate the possibility that my beliefs are not the same as yours. I will certainly tolerate your beliefs, especially if I do not agree with them. For, to me, tolerance is a stone that helps to pave the way to love.
This debate can and most likely will continue to evolve; both sides learning new things that alter their own perception of tolerance. I am simply choosing, here and now, to treat others who think differently than me with the same love and respect that I hope to receive in return.
Oh, and one more thing.
Red or yellow, black or gay, Jesus loves us anyway.
(I had to.)
Go forth and love one another!
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