Our show, "Storytime Live!" opened on Feb. 16th in York, PA. After York, we headed to Pittsburgh where I met up with my dear friend Joe Nickel. I would divulge more information about that crazy weekend, but I can never be sure who will read this. I will say that it was a fantastic time and I got to meet many wonderful people. Although, I did not get much sleep. What comes before Part B? Part A!! I was also introduced to the amazing Pittsburgh slang. If you don't know what it is, yinz should contact someone from Pittsburgh and learn n'at.
From Pittsburgh, it was back to the Motherland...Ohio. Toledo, OH to be exact. After many cups of Biggby Coffee and trips to Meijer, it was off to Wilkes-Barre, PA. Unfortunately, due to weather, Wilkes-Barre was canceled and rescheduled and we continued East to Wallingford, CT.
I do not understand CT. First of all, the speed limit everywhere seems to be either 30 or 55 and changes at the most random times. Also, the entrance to a very busy section of the highway is a STOP SIGN! What? However, there is a mall very close to our hotel and I was more than happy to make the tiny hop over for some retail therapy. While browsing through books at the Borders in said mall, I came across the "Gay and Lesbian Fiction" section. (Shocking!) I was looking through the fives of books that were featured in this section when I heard, "There's a guy looking at the gay books," from the other side of the bookcase. They were two employees stocking and rearranging the "Crafts/Cooking" section. As if he had anything to call me out on. He was up to his elbows in Martha Stewart, Rachel Ray, and Design on a Dime. Oh, mall workers.
From here, we head to State College, PA. I imagine that I'll get to meet one of these Nittany Lions that everyone has been raving about. That's for another time.
One of the joys of my position as Dance Captain is doing a warm-up for the cast before each day of shows. I want to provide the best experience for everyone, not just through the movement, but through the music as well. I came across some albums, some new, some older but new to me, and wanted to recommend them since I've been using them in my warm-ups.
Daniel Merriweather - Love & War
Dan Black - Un
Kevin Hammond - Kevin Hammond EP
The Temper Trap - Conditions
Michael Buble - Crazy Love
Katie Thompson - KT Live
David Guetta - Pop Life

They can all be found on iTunes, so check them out!
Aside from preparing to go into the show for the first time next Saturday in Appleton, WI, I've been choreographing on my free time. I need a chance to dance and create so that my body and soul don't atrophy. Don't get me wrong, the cast is great and I'm grateful for the experience, but it's just not pushing me as much I feel I need right now. I can only go one day at a time and enjoy the process...so that's what I'll do.
Live it up and go full out,
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